Thursday, October 23, 2008

new things

Hello friends.
Welcome to Chopsticks. Dont ask about the title now, we will explain later.
This is a photo blog, showcasing photo assignments and photos resulting therefrom, by Erin and myself (hi, I'm iO). But your input is vital!

Here is how it will work: Every week or two, Erin and I will take on a new assignment, anonymous to you. In the beginning, the assignment will usually consist of an emotion, or a verb, or a thing, something guessable to an outsider.
We'll post the assignment with a number, not telling you what it is, along with how many pictures we were to take, the restrictions thereon, etc. Your job is to guess what the assignment was.
For now, we'll go with one word assignments, keep it simple. We should theoretically post at the same time, and you should then let your imagination run free in the comments section. Who knows, maybe eventually there can be prizes for somebody. Let's see.
Eventually the idea is to also include posts from other photographers, but for now it's easiest just to start with us.

Also, important to note: Erin is shooting on a Canon Rebel XS, a digital SLR. I, like a good dinosaur, am shooting on a vintage Pentax KX, on film - which will allow for a whole slew of complications later, I'm sure.

The rules:

1. No photoshop.
2. Only the amount of photos allowed can be posted.
3. No cheating.
4. At least 50% of the photos included in an assignment must be shot for the assignment. (If it is an odd number, like 5, 2 thirds of the post must be custom for the assignment)



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